Installation video for the aluminum block on a concrete foundation

Excavate the foundation. Compact the base of the box and ensure adequate drainage. Install a blinding layer and compact it sufficiently. Create formwork so that the foundation can have a flat surface on top. Pour in concrete, compact it and remove it so that the elements will later be vertical. Allow the concrete to harden sufficiently. Please note that water cannot remain directly on the elements and will always run off. There must always be a joint all the way around so that any water can run off. Blinding layer has been installed.

Dimensions of the KNUMOX aluminum block
Installation of the KNUMOX aluminum block
Align the aluminum block on the concrete foundation and place it in the desired alignment. The holes in the aluminum block are pre-determined; mark the holes on the concrete foundation. The aluminum block, with the pre-determined holes, serves as a template.

1. Drill holes with a drill (masonry drill for concrete) with a diameter of 10 mm, approx. 105 mm deep.

2. Blow out/vacuum and clean the holes using an industrial vacuum cleaner or a blower. Then replace the aluminum block.

3. Hammer in the fixing anchor so that there is about 10-20 mm left at the top for screwing.

4. Tighten the hexagon nuts to 25 Nm using a torque wrench.
Note: the aluminum block must lie flat.
Inserting the KNUMOX glass element
Before inserting the glass element, the following steps must be carried out:

5. Insert the rubber seal (flat, finely grooved) flush into the prefabricated groove of the aluminum block.

6. Insert the element shoes into the aluminum block. Distribute these evenly over the appropriate length. Then carefully insert the glass element into the aluminum block (on the white “shoes”) and hold it.

7. Insert the opposite side with the smooth side facing the glass. Then press this firmly in using a tool (flat screwdriver) such as the Knumox insertion tool, so that the glass element is firmly seated, at least deep enough for the rubber to fit over it later.

8. Insert the remaining rubber lip and press it in firmly.